Letter E
Packages beginning with letter "E".
- editline - A command line text editor
- emi-argus - Emi-argus metapackage
- emi-cluster - Metapackage for gLite cluster
- emi-cream-ce - This is a dummy package used to install the CREAM node
- emi-delegation-java - GLite Security Delegation Java Implementation
- emi-dpm_disk - EMI DPM Disk Node
- emi-dpm_mysql - EMI DPM Head Node (MySQL)
- emi-dpm_oracle - EMI DPM Head Node (Oracle)
- emi-emir - EMIR Server
- emi-ge-utils - Metapackage for the installation of CREAM Grid Engine Utils
- emi-glexec_wn - GLExec Worker Node meta-package
- emi-lb - Metapackage to install the L&B service on an LB node
- emi-lb-nagios-plugins - This is a package to distribute a nagios probe that checks the EMI L&B server
- emi-lfc_mysql - EMI LFC (MySQL)
- emi-lfc_oracle - EMI LFC (Oracle)
- emi-lsf-utils - Metapackage for glite-LSF_utils
- emi-mpi - A EMI metapackage for MPI tools (mpi-start and yaim)
- emi-px - Metapackage to install MyProxy with gLite-specific YAIM configurations
- emi-resource-information-service - Added deps to yaim-bdii and glue-validator-cron
- emi-torque-client - Metapackage for TORQUE client installation
- emi-torque-server - Metapackage for TORQUE server installation
- emi-torque-utils - Metapackage for glite-TORQUE_utils
- emi-trustmanager - Security utilities
- emi-trustmanager-axis - The java classes to integrate trustmanager with axis
- emi-trustmanager-axis2 - The java classes to integrate the trustmanager with axis2
- emi-ui - EMI UI meta-packages
- emi-version - POST EMI 3 Update 4 - Update 7
- emi-wms - This is a dummy package used to install the WMS node
- emi-wn - EMI WN meta-packages
- emi.amga.amga-cli - Emi-amga-cli_R_2_3_0
- emi.amga.amga-server - Emi-amga-server-R_2_3_0
- emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp - Emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-common - Emi.saga-adapter.isn-common
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp - Emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp
- emi.saga-adapter.sd-cpp - Emi.saga-adapter.sd-cpp
- emir-serp - EMIR-SERP - EMI Registry - Service Endpoint Record Publisher