system environment/libraries
- CGSI-gSOAP - GSI plugin for gSOAP
- SAGA.lsu-cpp.engine - SAGA.lsu-cpp.engine
- a1_grid_env - Environment setup script which allows the selection of difference middleware versions to be used on the WN
- argus-gsi-pep-callout - Argus PEP callout for globus GSI
- argus-pdp-pep-common - Argus servers internal java library
- argus-pep-api-c-devel - Development files for Argus PEP client library (thread-safe)
- argus-pep-api-java - Argus PEP client Java API
- argus-pep-common - Argus PEP client and server common library (with hessian)
- argus-pepcli - Argus pepcli command
- dcap-libs - Client Libraries for dCache
- dcap-tunnel-gsi - GSI tunnel for dCache
- dcap-tunnel-krb - Kerberos tunnel for dCache
- dcap-tunnel-ssl - SSL tunnel for dCache
- dcap-tunnel-telnet - Telnet tunnel for dCache
- delegation-api-c - emi.fts.delegation-api-c
- delegation-cli - emi.fts.delegation-cli
- dpm-libs - Disk Pool Manager (DPM) libraries
- emi-argus - Emi-argus metapackage
- emi-cluster - Metapackage for gLite cluster
- emi-cream-ce - This is a dummy package used to install the CREAM node
- emi-delegation-java - GLite Security Delegation Java Implementation
- emi-ge-utils - Metapackage for the installation of CREAM Grid Engine Utils
- emi-glexec_wn - GLExec Worker Node meta-package
- emi-lsf-utils - Metapackage for glite-LSF_utils
- emi-resource-information-service - Added deps to yaim-bdii and glue-validator-cron
- emi-torque-client - Metapackage for TORQUE client installation
- emi-torque-server - Metapackage for TORQUE server installation
- emi-torque-utils - Metapackage for glite-TORQUE_utils
- emi-trustmanager - Security utilities
- emi-trustmanager-axis - The java classes to integrate trustmanager with axis
- emi-trustmanager-axis2 - The java classes to integrate the trustmanager with axis2
- emi-ui - EMI UI meta-packages
- emi-version - POST EMI 3 Update 4 - Update 7
- emi-wms - This is a dummy package used to install the WMS node
- emi-wn - EMI WN meta-packages
- emi.amga.amga-cli - Emi-amga-cli_R_2_3_0
- emi.amga.amga-server - Emi-amga-server-R_2_3_0
- emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp - Emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-common - Emi.saga-adapter.isn-common
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp - Emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp
- -
- gfal - Grid File access library
- gfal-devel - Client side headers and development files
- gfal-doc - Documentation for gfal
- gfal-python - Python bindings for gfal 1.0
- gfal-python26 - Python26 bindings for gfal 1.0
- glite-apel-lsf - LSF log parser plugin
- glite-apel-pbs - PBS log parser plugin
- glite-apel-sge - SGE log parser plugin
- glite-build-common-cpp - This module contains common build files and scripts used by many C and C++ gLite modules
- glite-ce-ce-plugin - CE resource plugin for CEMonitor
- glite-ce-common-java - Common libraries for all services running on the CREAM CE
- glite-ce-cream-api-java - Java libraries for the CREAM service
- glite-ce-cream-client-api-c - C/C++ libraries for the client of the CREAM service
- glite-ce-cream-client-devel - Development files for the client of the CREAM service
- glite-ce-cream-utils - Tools and utilities for the CREAM service
- glite-ce-job-plugin - Job status plugin for CEMonitor
- glite-ce-monitor - Web application monitoring the computing element
- glite-ce-monitor-api-java - Java libraries for the CEMonitor service
- glite-ce-monitor-client-api-c - Libraries for the client of the CEMonitor service
- glite-ce-monitor-client-devel - Development files for the client of the CEMonitor service
- glite-ce-yaim-cream-ce - YAIM module for CREAM service
- glite-info-dynamic-ge - Grid Engine info-provider.
- glite-initscript-globus-gridftp - Customized script for Globus Gridftp
- glite-jdl-api-cpp - C/C++ libraries handling Job Description Language
- glite-jdl-api-cpp-devel - C/C++ libraries handling Job Description Language (development files)
- glite-jdl-api-java - Java libraries handling Job Description Language
- glite-jobid-api-c - C library handling gLite jobid
- glite-jobid-api-java - JAVA implementation of handling gLite jobid
- glite-lb-client - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping client library and CLI tools
- glite-lb-client-java - JAVA implementation of the L&B service client
- glite-lb-common - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping common headers and library
- glite-lb-state-machine - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping state machine
- glite-lbjp-common-db - Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services
- glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin - Plugin for gSoap to use glite-security-gss as the communication layer
- glite-lbjp-common-gss - Wrapper of Globus GSS/SSL implementation used by gLite LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface - Public API to JP service internal interface
- glite-lbjp-common-log - Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-maildir - Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue
- glite-lbjp-common-server-bones - Skeleton of multi-process network server
- glite-lbjp-common-trio - Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf
- glite-px-proxyrenewal-libs - gLite proxyrenewal renews existing proxy certificates for grid users
- glite-service-discovery-api-c - C libraries for accessing the service discovery system
- glite-wms-broker - Broker module for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-broker-devel - Development files for the WMS broker module
- glite-wms-brokerinfo - Broker Info module for Workload Management System
- glite-wms-brokerinfo-access-devel - Brokerinfo component for the WMS user interface (development files)
- glite-wms-brokerinfo-access-lib - Brokerinfo component for the WMS user interface (libraries)
- glite-wms-brokerinfo-devel - Development files for the WMS brokerinfo module
- glite-wms-classad_plugin - Classad handler for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-classad_plugin-devel - Development files for the classad plugin
- glite-wms-common - Common libraries for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-common-devel - Development files for WMS common module
- glite-wms-configuration - Configuration module for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-helper - Helper module for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-helper-devel - Development files for the WMS helper module
- glite-wms-ism - Information Supermarket for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-ism-devel - Development files for the WMS information superkmarket
- glite-wms-jobsubmission-devel - Condor-G connector for the WMS (Development files)
- glite-wms-jobsubmission-lib - Condor-G connector for the WMS (libraries)
- glite-wms-matchmaking - Resource allocator for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-matchmaking-devel - Development files for the WMS resource allocator
- glite-wms-purger - Cleanup module for the Workload Management System
- glite-wms-purger-devel - Development files for the WMS purger module
- glite-wms-ui-api-python - Python libraries for WMS user interface
- glite-wms-ui-commands - Command line user interface for the WMS
- glite-wms-utils-classad - C/C++ libraries for ClassAd handling
- glite-wms-utils-classad-devel - C/C++ libraries for ClassAd handling (development files)
- glite-wms-utils-exception - C/C++ exception libraries for job management applications
- glite-wms-utils-exception-devel - C/C++ exception libraries for job management applications (development files)
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-cpp - C/C++ libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-cpp-devel - C/C++ libraries for the WM Proxy service (development files)
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-java - Java libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-python - Python libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wn-info - Glite-wn-info supplies information on the WN
- glite-yaim-cluster - Yaim module for gLite cluster
- glite-yaim-ge-utils - YAIM module for CREAM Grid Engine utils.
- glite-yaim-lsf-utils - YAIM module for LSF-utils
- glite-yaim-torque-client - YAIM module for TORQUE configuration
- glite-yaim-torque-server - YAIM module for TORQUE server configuration
- glite-yaim-torque-utils - Utilities for TORQUE configuration
- glite-yaim-wms - WMS module for YAIM
- globus-authz - Globus Toolkit - Globus authz library
- globus-authz-callout-error - Globus Toolkit - Globus authz error library
- globus-callout - Globus Toolkit - Globus Callout Library
- globus-common - Globus Toolkit - Common Library
- globus-ftp-client - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library
- globus-ftp-control - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library
- globus-gass-cache - Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache
- globus-gass-copy - Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy
- globus-gass-server-ez - Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez
- globus-gass-transfer - Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer
- globus-gfork - Globus Toolkit - GFork
- globus-gram-client - Globus Toolkit - GRAM Client Library
- globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error - Globus Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors
- globus-gram-protocol - Globus Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library
- globus-gridftp-server - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server
- globus-gridftp-server-control - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Library
- globus-gridmap-callout-error - Globus Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors
- globus-gsi-callback - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library
- globus-gsi-cert-utils - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library
- globus-gsi-credential - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library
- globus-gsi-openssl-error - Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling
- globus-gsi-proxy-core - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library
- globus-gsi-proxy-ssl - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library
- globus-gsi-sysconfig - Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library
- globus-gss-assist - Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library
- globus-gssapi-error - Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library
- globus-gssapi-gsi - Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI library
- globus-io - Globus Toolkit - uniform I/O interface
- globus-openssl-module - Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper
- globus-rls-client - Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Client
- globus-rsl - Globus Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library
- globus-scheduler-event-generator - Globus Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator
- globus-usage - Globus Toolkit - Usage Library
- globus-xio - Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework
- globus-xio-gsi-driver - Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver
- globus-xio-pipe-driver - Globus Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver
- globus-xio-popen-driver - Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Pipe Open Driver
- gridway-BES - OGSA-BES MAD for GridWay
- gridway-GT5 - GT5 MADs for GridWay
- gridway-core - GridWay Core
- gridway-gLite - gLite MADs for GridWay
- info-dynamic-pbs - Information plugin for Torque
- jclassads - Java library for Job Description Language
- kill-stale-ftp - Utilities for managing stale FTP connections
- lcas-plugins-check-executable - Allowed executable plug-in for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcg-info-dynamic-software - Software tag publication
- lcg-pbs-utils - Lcg-pbs-utils
- lcg-util-python26 - Python 2.6 bindings for lcg-util
- lcgdm-libs - LHC Computing Grid Data Management common libraries
- lcmaps-plugins-afs - AFS plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-ldap - LDAP enforcement plug-in for LCMAPS
- lcmaps-plugins-c-pep - C-PEP plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-jobrep - Jobrepository plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-scas-client - SCAS client plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-tracking-groupid - Groupid tracking plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy - Proxy verification plugin for LCMAPS
- lfc-libs - LCG File Catalog (LFC) libraries
- log4c - Library for logging application messages
- nagios-plugins-argus - Nagios plugins for Argus (EMI)
- nagios-plugins-emi.glexec - Nagios plugin for gLExec-wn
- nordugrid-arc-arex - ARC Remote EXecution service
- nordugrid-arc-aris - ARC LDAP information service
- nordugrid-arc-cache-service - ARC cache service
- nordugrid-arc-datadelivery-service - ARC data delivery service
- nordugrid-arc-egiis - ARC EGIIS service
- nordugrid-arc-hed - ARC Hosting Environment Daemon
- nordugrid-arc-ldap-monitor - ARC LDAP monitor service
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus - ARC Globus plugins
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed - ARC base plugins
- nordugrid-arc-ws-monitor - ARC WS monitor service
- python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- transfer-cli - emi.fts.transfer-cli
- util-c - emi.fts.util-c
- voms - The Virtual Organisation Membership Service C++ APIs
- voms-api-java - The Virtual Organisation Membership Service Java APIs
- xacml - SAML 2.0 profile of XACML v2.0 library
- xrootd-libs - Libraries used by xrootd servers and clients
- yaim-argus_server - Yaim ARGUS_server config
- yaim-glexec-wn - YAIM package to configure a GLEXEC Worker Node