system environment/libraries

lcmaps-plugins-jobrep - Jobrepository plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Nikhef
The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware
component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509
proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local
account based on the site local policy.

This package contains the LCMAPS jobrepository plug-in, which stores credentials
and the resulting account mappings into a relational database. This plugin will
link up all the known in-process information from LCMAPS core memory and store
it in a database. This plug-in uses ODBC ( to
connect to the database.

The current state of the mappings between various credentials and Unix accounts
is stored in an open database on disk, but this information can change over
time through (regular) system administrative interventions. This state is now
preserved in a relational database with the added benefit of being accessible by
other systems, e.g. GridSAFE and build-up an easy to backup historic view on
the mapping state.


lcmaps-plugins-jobrep-1.5.0-2.el5.x86_64 [73 KiB] Changelog by Mischa Salle (2012-08-30):
- Removed old build requirements.
- Update list of files.
- Update URL.
- Update description.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4-1.el5

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