UMD - 5.0.0

UMD - 5.0.0

UMD - Unified Middleware Distribution

is the integrated set of software components contributed by Technology Providers and packaged for deployment as production quality services in EGI. UMD release schedule is available here.

Current UMD-5 Past UMD-2, UMD-3, UMD-4
CMD - Cloud Middleware Distribution (no updates)

distributes OpenStack and OpenNebula integration components developed by Cloud Technology Providers. Two different distribution are technically available, CMD-OS for OpenStack and CMD-ONE for OpenNebula. For further details, please have a look at the Cloud Middleware Distribution wiki.

CMD-OS (OpenStack) CMD-OS-1 CMD-ONE (OpenNebula) CMD-ONE-1
Community Repositories - Community Software

is the integrated set of software components contributed by Technology Providers and packaged for deployment as production quality services in EGI. UMD release schedule is available here.

Current UMD-4 Future UMD-5 Past UMD-2UMD-3

Distributions Complete list