system environment/daemons

gridsafe-ige-client - Grid-SAFE is a software framework designed to support accounting, reporting and usage monitoring, and resource management on advanced computing facilities. It comprises of a number of modularised components which may function as separate applications, or be assembled to provide end-to-end applications for monitoring resource use on HPC systems.

License: Apache 2
Vendor: IGE
The current components available under the Grid-SAFE framework are:

WebAcct: The web accounting portal. Allows usage records presented in multiple formats to be persistently stored in a relational database. Once stored, complex reports detailing the records may be generated in multiple formats. A web based interface is presented to allow multiple users to upload records and generate reports. This code base also comes with a command line tool to allow scripts access to most functions without going through the web interface.

SafeRupi: An implementation of the Resource Usage Publishing Interface (RUPI) specification being developed by the RUS working group, a part of the Open Grid Foundation. This component allows usage records represented in the OGF Usage Record format to be uploaded and stored using the Grid-SAFE software framework. Any client which adheres to the RUPI specification may use this service to publish usage information.


gridsafe-ige-client-1.3-1.noarch [35.3 MiB] Changelog by John Robinson (2013-03-25):
- Version bump to match gridsafe-ige-server
- Bugfixes

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4-1.el5

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