
storm-backend-server - The StoRM BackEnd server.

License: Apache License
Vendor: EMI
This package contains the StoRM BackEnd server.

StoRM provides an SRM interface to any POSIX filesystem with direct file
access ("file:" transport protocol), but can take advantage of special
features of high performance parallel and cluster file systems, as GPFS from
IBM and Lustre from SUN.


storm-backend-server-1.10.0-1.sl5.x86_64 [16.5 MiB] Changelog by (2011-06-24):
- Added consistency on Space Usage model (free, busy and used space)
- Fixed a bug occurring during the startup (sanity-check)
- Disk Usage tasks are performed in background and silently during the startup
- Space usage are updated after putDone and Rm
- Added commons-io package dependency
- Fixed a bunch of bugs (see StoRM bug trucker and SVN logs for further details)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4-1.el5

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