
glite-yaim-bdii - glite-yaim-bdii module configures the top level BDII and site BDI

License: Apache Software Li
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN,
This package contains the yaim functions necessary to configure the top level and site BDII.


glite-yaim-bdii-4.3.15-1.el5.noarch [10 KiB] Changelog by Maria Alandes (2013-11-22):
- BUG Increase BDII_DELETE_DELAY to 4 days
glite-yaim-bdii-4.3.14-1.el5.noarch [10 KiB] Changelog by Maria Alandes (2013-08-01):
- BUG #101389: Added BDII_RAM_SIZE
glite-yaim-bdii-4.3.11-1.el5.noarch [9 KiB] Changelog by Maria Alandes (2012-08-01):
- After integration testing decided to make BDII_IPV6_SUPPORT not mandatory. Default in init.d script is 'no' in any case.
glite-yaim-bdii-4.3.10-1.el5.noarch [9 KiB] Changelog by Maria Alandes (2012-07-18):
- BUG 95839: Added BDII_IPV6_SUPPORT
- BUG 95123: Create /etc/bdii/gip if it doesn't exist
- BUG 95043: Cleaning YAIM variables that are no longer used
- Removed EGEE license text and added missing headers
- Removing functions from gLite that are no longer needed

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4-1.el5

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