
grid-packaging-tools - Grid Packaging Tools (GPT)

License: NCSA
Vendor: Initiative for Globus in Europe (IGE)
GPT is a collection of packaging tools built around an XML based
packaging data format. This format provides a straight forward way to
define complex dependency and compatibility relationships between
packages. The tools provide a means for developers to easily define the
packaging data and include it as part of their source code distribution.
Binary packages can be automatically generated from this data. The
packages defined by GPT are compatible with other packages and can be
easily converted.


grid-packaging-tools-3.5-2.el5.noarch [212 KiB] Changelog by Mattias Ellert (2012-01-24):
- Portability fixes
grid-packaging-tools-3.2-24.el5.noarch [245 KiB] Changelog by Mattias Ellert (2011-03-24):
- Fix problem with special characters in buildroot path

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4-1.el5

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