system environment/libraries
- CGSI_gSOAP_2.7 - GSI plugin for gSOAP
- CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-voms - GSI plugin for gSOAP -- VOMSified libraries
- SAGA.lsu-cpp.engine - SAGA.lsu-cpp.engine
- a1_grid_env - Environment setup script which allows the selection of difference middleware versions to be used on the WN
- activemq-cpp-library - activemq-cpp-library v. 3.2.5
- argus-gsi-pep-callout - Argus PEP callout for globus GSI
- argus-pep-api-c - Argus PEP client library for C (multi-thread safe)
- argus-pepcli - Argus pepcli command
- delegation-api-c - emi.fts.delegation-api-c
- delegation-cli - emi.fts.delegation-cli
- dpm-yaim - emi.lcgdm.yaim-dpm
- ees-pepd-oh - Argus-EES Obligation Handler
- emi-apel - Metpackage for the gLite APEL clients
- emi-argus - emi-argus metapackage
- emi-bdii-site -
- emi-bdii-top -
- emi-cluster - Metapackage for gLite cluster
- emi-cream-ce - This is a dummy package used to install the CREAM node
- emi-delegation-java - gLite Security Delegation Java Implementation
- emi-dpm_disk - emi.lcgdm.glite-SE_dpm_disk
- emi-dpm_mysql - emi.lcgdm.glite-SE_dpm_mysql
- emi-glexec_wn - GLExec Worker Node meta-package
- emi-lb - Metapackage to install the L&B service on an LB node
- emi-lfc_mysql - emi.lcgdm.glite-LFC_mysql
- emi-lsf-utils - Metapackage for glite-LSF_utils
- emi-px - Metapackage to install MyProxy with gLite-specific YAIM configurations
- emi-torque-client - Metapackage for TORQUE client installation
- emi-torque-server - Metapackage for TORQUE server installation
- emi-torque-utils - Metapackage for glite-TORQUE_utils
- emi-trustmanager - Security utilities
- emi-trustmanager-axis - The java classes to integrate trustmanager with axis.
- emi-trustmanager-tomcat - Tomcat and axis integration classes
- emi-ui - Suite of clients and APIs that users and applications can use to access grid services
- emi-version - EMI 1 Update 2
- emi-voms-mysql - VOMS metapackage (MySQL database backend)
- emi-wn - collection of all necessary middleware components that ensure the execution of user"s jobs
- emi.amga.amga-cli - emi-amga-cli_R_2_1_2_1
- emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp - emi.saga-adapter.context-cpp
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-common - emi.saga-adapter.isn-common
- emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp - emi.saga-adapter.isn-cpp
- -
- gfal - emi.lcgutil.gfal
- gfal-py26 - emi.lcgutil.gfal-py26
- glite-apel-core - Core components of the Apel accounting application
- glite-apel-lsf - LSF log parser plugin
- glite-apel-pbs - PBS log parser plugin
- glite-apel-publisher - Apel account record publisher
- glite-apel-yaim - glite-apel-yaim_R_1_0_2_3
- glite-ce-blahp - The BLAHP daemon is a light component accepting commands to manage jobs on different Local Resources Management Systems
- glite-ce-ce-plugin - The CE plugin is a sensor for the CE monitor service that keeps track of the changes of the CE resource
- glite-ce-cream - The Computing Resource Execution And Management service is a web application taking care of the any job related operation
- glite-ce-cream-cli - The CREAM client is a collection of commands for accessing the CREAM service
- glite-ce-cream-client-api-c - The package contains C/C++ libraries for the client of the CREAM web application
- glite-ce-cream-utils - This package contains a set of executables called by the CREAM service
- glite-ce-job-plugin - The CREAM job plugin is a sensor for the CE monitor service that keeps track of the job status changes interacting with the CREAM web application
- glite-ce-monitor - The CE monitor service is a web application that publishes information about the Computing Element
- glite-ce-monitor-client-api-c - The CE monitor client is a collection of commands for accessing the CE monitor service
- glite-ce-yaim-cream-ce - YAIM module for CREAM service
- glite-dgas-common - Common set of utility libraries needed by all DGAS modules
- glite-dgas-hlr-clients - emi.dgas.hlr-clients
- glite-dgas-hlr-sensors - emi.dgas.hlr-sensors
- glite-dgas-hlr-sensors-producers - emi.dgas.hlr-sensors-producers
- glite-info-plugin-fcr - emi.bdii.glite-info-plugin-fcr
- glite-initscript-globus-gridftp - Customized script for Globus Gridftp
- glite-jdl-api-cpp - C/C++ libraries and utilities for dealing with the Job Description Language
- glite-jobid-api-c - C library handling gLite jobid
- glite-jobid-api-cpp - C++ API handling gLite jobid
- glite-jobid-api-java - JAVA implementation of handling gLite jobid
- glite-lb-client - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping client library and CLI tools
- glite-lb-client-java - JAVA implemantation of the L&B service client
- glite-lb-common - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping common headers and library
- glite-lb-doc - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping documentation
- glite-lb-harvester - Enhanced L&B notification client
- glite-lb-logger - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping local-logger and inter-logger
- glite-lb-logger-msg - notification->msg plugin
- glite-lb-server - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping server
- glite-lb-state-machine - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping state machine
- glite-lb-utils - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping auxiliary utilities
- glite-lb-ws-interface - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping web service interface
- glite-lb-ws-test - Tests and usage examples of L&B WS interface
- glite-lb-yaim - YAIM initialization scripts for LB node
- glite-lbjp-common-db - Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services
- glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin - Plugin for gSoap to use glite-security-gss as the communication layer
- glite-lbjp-common-gss - Wrapper of Globus GSS/SSL implementation used by gLite LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface - Public API to JP service internal interface
- glite-lbjp-common-log - Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP
- glite-lbjp-common-maildir - Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue. It is used to pass data from LB to JP
- glite-lbjp-common-server-bones - Skeleton of multi-process network server
- glite-lbjp-common-trio - Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf
- glite-px-myproxy-yaim - glite-px-myproxy-yaim module configures myproxy server
- glite-px-proxyrenewal - glite-px-proxyrenewal renews existing proxy certificates for grid users
- glite-service-discovery-api-c - C libraries for accessing the service discovery system
- glite-wms-brokerinfo-access - Brokerinfo component for the WMS user interface
- glite-wms-ui-api-python - Python libraries for WMS user interface
- glite-wms-ui-commands - Command line user interface for the WMS
- glite-wms-ui-configuration - Configuration module for the WMS user interface
- glite-wms-utils-classad - C/C++ libraries for ClassAd handling
- glite-wms-utils-exception - C/C++ exception libraries for job management applications
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-cpp - C/C++ libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-java - Java libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wms-wmproxy-api-python - Python libraries for the WM Proxy service
- glite-wn-info - glite-wn-info supplies information on the WN
- glite-yaim-cluster - yaim module for gLite cluster
- glite-yaim-lsf-utils - YAIM module for LSF-utils
- glite-yaim-torque-client - YAIM module for TORQUE configuration
- glite-yaim-torque-server - YAIM module for TORQUE server configuration
- glite-yaim-torque-utils - Utilities for TORQUE configuration
- gridftp-ifce - emi.lcgutil.gridftp-ifce
- is-interface -
- jclassads - Java implementation of Condor Classified Advertisements (classads) used for describing jobs, workstations, and other resources
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface - Mapping interface between Globus Toolkit and LCAS/LCMAPS
- lcas-plugins-basic - Basic plugins for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcas-plugins-check-executable - Allowed-executable plugin for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcas-plugins-voms - VOMS plugins for the LCAS authorization framework
- lcg-info-dynamic-pbs - Information plugin for Torque
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-generic - emi-dynamic-scheduler-generic_R_2_3_5_1
- lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-pbs - Scheduler plugin for Torque
- lcg-info-dynamic-software - Software tag publication
- lcg-pbs-utils - lcg-pbs-utils
- lcg-util - emi.lcgutil.lcg-util
- lcg-util-py26 - emi.lcgutil.lcg-util-py26
- lcmaps-plugins-basic - Basic plugins for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-c-pep - C-PEP plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-scas-client - SCAS client plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lcmaps-plugins-tracking-groupid - LCMAPS plugin to add tracking groupids
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy - Proxy verification plugin for LCMAPS
- lcmaps-plugins-voms - VOMS plugins for the LCMAPS authorization framework
- lfc-yaim - emi.lcgdm.yaim-lfc
- mm-mysql - mm-mysql v. 3.1.8-2
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus - ARC Globus plugins
- nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed - ARC base plugins
- srm-ifce - emi.lcgutil.srm-ifce
- transfer-cli - emi.fts.transfer-cli
- transfer-interface - emi.fts.transfer-interface
- unicore-hila-shell - emi-unicore-hila-shell_R_2_2_0_2
- unicore-hila-unicore6 - HiLA 2.2 UNICORE Grid implementation
- util-c - emi.fts.util-c
- voms - voms libraries
- voms-admin-client - emi.voms.voms-admin-client
- voms-admin-server - emi.voms.voms-admin-server
- voms-clients -
- voms-compat - Virtual Organization Membership Service
- voms-devel -
- voms-mysql -
- voms-server - voms server
- vomsjapi -
- yaim-argus_server - yaim ARGUS_server config
- yaim-glexec-wn - YAIM package to configure a GLEXEC Worker Node
- yaim-voms - emi.voms.yaim-voms