system environment/base
- canl-c-examples - Example programs of EMI caNl
- emi-lb - Metapackage to install the L&B service on an LB node
- emi-px - Metapackage to install MyProxy with gLite-specific YAIM configurations
- glite-lb-client-progs - gLite L&B client programs and examples
- glite-lb-utils - gLite Logging and Bookkeeping auxiliary utilities
- glite-lb-ws-test - Tests and usage examples of L&B Web Service interface
- glite-px-proxyrenewal-progs - gLite proxyrenewal daemon and client
- nordugrid-release - NorduGrid repository configuration
- torque-drmaa - DRMAA 1.0 implementation for PBS/TORQUE
- torque-drmaa-docs - DRMAA 1.0 implementation for PBS/TORQUE
- torque-pam - PAM module for PBS MOM nodes
- xrootd-selinux - SELinux policy module for the xrootd server
- xrootd4-selinux - SELinux policy extensions for xrootd.