UMD - 1.9.0
Current State :: deployed
Distro Type :: UMD
Contact :: For further information about the UMD, its goals and surrounding processes, and more information about how to engage as a Technology Provider with EGI, please send an Email to: cto (at)
Technical Contact :: For any bugs and issues you encounter that are not described in the release notes of this UMD release, or the related documentation provided by the Technology Providers, please visit the EGI Helpdesk to make a report
Description :: UMD 1.9.0 is the ninth update of UMD-1 (Unified Middleware Distribution) made available for the EGI production infrastructure. This release provides product updates from Technology Providers, as well as two new products.
Release Date :: 2012-10-29 09:21:04
Major Version :: 1
Minor Version :: 9
Revision Version :: 0
Release Notes ::
- Bug fixing update, CREAM doesn't transfert the output files remotely under well known conditions
- Fixed A-REX wakeup thread stuck problem
- - Fixed nordugridmap specified filters
- - Fixed slurm memory settings
- Fixed bug that prevented the job to report the Done status with user exit code = 0
- Fixed a crash in the condor gridmanager caused by an unexpected, but valid, ordering of some ldap attributes;
- Fixed a bug that prevented submission to the ARC CE due to a wrong operator in the RSL string.
- Detailed information about submitter's DN, FQAN, IP and job destination queue is now logged on syslog.
- Affects BDII site, BDII top and all services with BDII as resource information provider.
- A new cron job is run every hour to execute the glue-validator script and validate the information published by the BDII against glue 1.3 and glue 2.0 schema.
- IPv6 support included with the new yaim variable BDII_IPV6_SUPPORT, which is set to "no" by default. If set to "yes";, it enables both IPv4 and IPv6 support.
- Fixed GLUE 2 bugs in the service information provider affecting VOMS and MyProxy, and improved the README files.
- glite-yaim-bdii cleaning removing old variables and functions. Fixed minor errors printed at configuration time (this affected only the top level BDII).
- emi-resource-information-service metapackage now depends on glite-yaim-bdii and glue-validator-cron.
- Improved description and summary of glue-schema rpm.
- Fixed /etc/init.d/grid-infosys fails to start slapd
- Fixed BDII_BIND is not printed to bdii.conf
- Fixed low priority and trivial bugs, and packaging and dependencies issues.
- 32/64 bit build of LCG-Util 1.13.0
- gfal2 first stable release
- gfal 2.0 python bindings
- gfal 2.0 File system ( gfalFS, fuse tool )
- Fixed arcproxy fails to PUT credentials to MyProxy server when UI has one second desync
- Fixed arcproxy not creating a proxy
- Fixed arcproxy prints misleading ERROR when one of VOMS servers is unavailable
- Fixed arcstat -a doesn't ask the status of all jobs if there is a problem for one of the jobs
- Fixed arccp cannot handle certain characters in URLs
- Fixed arcget does not download any files
- Fixed dcache SRM usage
- Fixed broken DataHandle python binding
- Fixed transfer timeouts when copying large files (>100MB) from http
- SimpleCondition::broadcast() only wakes up one thread
Additional Details ::
Installation Notes ::
Known Issues :: Details containing known issues and workarounds found in EGI verification and staged rollout are collected in:
Change LOG ::
- CREAM 1.13.4, ARC 1.1.1, GFAL/lcg_utils 1.13.0, BDII Core 1.4.0 and WMS 3.3.8
- IGE Gridway 5.10.2
Repository URL :: sw/production/umd/1
Created :: 2012-10-09 16:09:20
Last Update :: 2012-10-29 09:22:10
Documentation Links ::
Keywords ::
Name | Version | apiCallBack |
BDII core | 1.4.0 | core1.4.0.html |
CREAM | 1.13.5 | |
GFAL/lcg_util | 1.13.0 | |
WMS | 3.3.8 | |
GridWay | 5.10.2 | |
SAGA | 1.6.1 | |
ARC CE | 1.1.1 | CE1.1.1.html |
ARC Clients | 1.1.1 | Clients1.1.1.html |
ARC InfoSys | 1.1.1 | InfoSys1.1.1.html |