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UMD - 1.6.0
Current State :: deployed
Distro Type :: UMD
Contact :: For further information about the UMD, its goals and surrounding processes, and more information about how to engage as a Technology Provider with EGI, please send an Email to: cto (at) egi.eu.
Technical Contact :: For any bugs and issues you encounter that are not described in the release notes of this UMD release, or the related documentation provided by the Technology Providers, please visit the EGI Helpdesk to report the issue at hand.
Description ::
UMD 1.6.0 is the eighth release of UMD-1 (Unified Middleware Distribution) made available for the EGI production infrastructure since its first release on 11 July 2011, and further expands on the included service available for deployment.
Release Date :: 2012-04-02 18:45:54
Major Version :: 1
Minor Version :: 6
Revision Version :: 0
Release Notes ::
This release includes many updates to several platforms available in the Unified Middleware Distribution as further described below:
The Globus platform, augmented by IGE with several extension into its IGE-2 release end of January is almost completely included in this UMD release. IGE-2 raises the base-line of GTK components from the 5.0.x series to 5.2.x including a last-minute patch for Globus GridFTP 5.2.0 for maintaining backwards compatibility with EMI's current DPM and StoRM storage services. GridWay, GridSAM and the long waited for SAGA adaptors will be included in the next UMD release
The server side of the UNICORE6 platform, delivered by EMI, received a complete update including local user management and VO services, raising the baseline of core UNICORE6 services to version 4.2.0. The remainder of the UNICORE6 platform are planned to be updated once they are published by EMI, with the next UMD release.
gLite platform (also delivered by EMI) received a maintenance update involving various components (as listed below), and including fixes for two security vulnerabilities found in BDII and VOMS. As usual, additional information is available in the
UMD 1.6.0 wiki entry.
Additional Details :: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/UMD-1:UMD-1.6.0
Installation Notes ::
UMD 1 is available for 64bit Scientific Linux (i.e. x86_64 processor architecture).
Installation notes and known issues found during EGI Software Verification and StagedRollout are collected on a per product base in the respective EGI
Wiki entry for UMD 1.6.0.In general, software available in the UMD is installed according to the product's specific installation instructions provided by the Technology Provider. However, prior to installing the software you need to configure the repository from where to download the software - see the
UMD 1 repository configuration instructions for additional details.
Known Issues ::
Known issues found during Verification and Staged Rollout are collected and documented in a joint "Known Issues and Installation notes" entry in the
UMD 1.6.0 wiki entry. Where available, workarounds are described to mitigate the respective issue.
Change LOG :: The following table provides an overview of the products included in this UMD release, on which Operating System platform and hardware architecture each product is available, and from which Technology provider this product originates.
With this release, the UberFTP package included with
UMD 1.5.1 will be removed again as backward compatibility is restored.
Repository URL :: sw/production/umd/1
Created :: 2012-03-26 12:05:32
Last Update :: 2012-04-02 18:46:08
Documentation Links ::
Keywords ::