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CREAM - 1.14.2

Current State :: Production

Contact :: cristina.aiftimiei@pd.infn.it

Technical Contact :: cristina.aiftimiei@pd.infn.it

Description :: The CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) Service is a simple, lightweight service for job management operation at the Computing Element (CE) level. CREAM accepts job submission requests (which are described with the same JDL language used to describe the jobs submitted to the Workload Management System) and other job management requests (e.g. job cancellation, job monitoring, etc). CREAM can be used by the Workload Management System (WMS), via the ICE service, or by a generic client, e.g. an end-user willing to directly submit jobs to a CREAM CE. For the latter user case a command line interface (CLI) is available. CREAM exposes a web service interface.

Release Date :: 20130104

Major Version :: 1

Minor Version :: 14

Revision Version :: 2

Release Notes :: This is an update of the CREAM providing some bug fixes. In particular it addresses the following bugs: #95328: In cluster mode, YAIM does not set GlueCEInfoHostName for CREAMs #95973: Missing Glue capability in GLUE2EntityOtherInfo #96306: Wrong lowercase conversion for VO Tags #96512: JobDBAdminPurger can't find commons-logging.jar #97441: Unwanted auto-updating of the field "creationTime" on the creamdb database. #97106: CREAM JW - fatal_error: command not found #94418: The SIGTERM signal should be issued to all the processes belonging to the job #96310: Wrong lowercase conversion for Glue-1 VO Tags #98707: Wrong warning message form ArgusPEPClient configuration

Additional Details :: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/UMD-2:UMD-2.4.0#emi.cream.sl5.x86_64

Change LOG :: This is an update of the CREAM providing some bug fixes. In particular it addresses the following bugs: #95328: In cluster mode, YAIM does not set GlueCEInfoHostName for CREAMs #95973: Missing Glue capability in GLUE2EntityOtherInfo #96306: Wrong lowercase conversion for VO Tags #96512: JobDBAdminPurger can't find commons-logging.jar #97441: Unwanted auto-updating of the field "creationTime" on the creamdb database. #97106: CREAM JW - fatal_error: command not found #94418: The SIGTERM signal should be issued to all the processes belonging to the job #96310: Wrong lowercase conversion for Glue-1 VO Tags #98707: Wrong warning message form ArgusPEPClient configuration

Repository URL :: sw/production/umd/2/sl5/x86_64/updates

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