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ARC - 13.11.1

Current State :: Production

Contact :: j.k.nilsen@usit.uio.no

Technical Contact :: j.k.nilsen@usit.uio.no

Description :: The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware is an Open Source software solution to enable distributed computing infrastructures with the emphasis on processing large volumes of data. ARC provides an abstraction layer over computational resources, complete with input and output data movement functionalities. The security model of ARC is identical to that of Grid solutions, relying on delegation of user credentials and the concept of Virtual Organisations. ARC also provides client tools, as well as API in C++, Python and Java

Release Date :: 20140502

Major Version :: 13

Minor Version :: 11

Revision Version :: 1

Release Notes :: http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/releases/13.11u1/release_notes_13.11u1.html

Additional Details :: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/UMD-3:UMD-3.7.0#arc.arc.sl5.x86_64

Change LOG :: This is a minor release, fixing a number of bugs and introducing several new features. Some old components are getting deprecated and are to be replaced by new code. New features are: - Rucio DMC - ACIX DMC - BOINC backend - Per-VO record handling in JURA Deprecated components are: - arc-ur-logger (replaced by JURA, see migration notes) - GACL-related components (obsolete) - DQ2 DMC (obsoleted with DQ2 being decommissioned) NorduGrid ARC 13.11 has received an update to: - core, clients, CE, Infosys and gridftp - from version 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 - documents - from 1.3.4 to 1.4.0 - Nagios plugins - from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 - CAnL C++ - from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 Metapackages are unchanged.

Repository URL :: sw/production/umd/3/sl5/x86_64/updates

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